Positive Wellbeing and Mental Health
Wellbeing can be defined as the state of being comfortable, healthy and happy.
Positive wellbeing helps us to thrive in an uncertain world.
As identified in our vision statement, we recognise that emotional health is closely linked to mental health for everyone in our school community and strive, as a school, to embed practices and approaches that promote positive mental health and wellbeing within our ethos, interactions and across the curriculum.
In the summer of 2021 we made a commitment to work towards the Wellbeing Award for Schools. Working towards the award provides a framework for us as we reflect on our current practices, celebrate the things we already do well and provides opportunity for us to identify and take steps to ensure wellbeing is at the heart of everything we do.
Take a look at our Wellbeing strategy to see how we plan to progress.
Mental Health and Wellbeing strategy
You can also see our half termly Wellbeing updates in our Rustington Roundup
https://rustington.academy/News/Newsletters/Mental Health and Wellbeing Support Team
At Rustington Community Primary School we have a designated team for supporting wellbeing within the school.
Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead: Kim Twine
Inclusion lead: Lucy Smith
SEMH Inclusion Lead: Rob Cumpstey
Nurture Mentor: Jo Rowsell
We are also keen to support families where we can. You can click this link to see our Directory or services and support materials here.
Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Teaching, and Learning, for Everyone
Our curriculum is developed to not only challenge children academically but to also inspire creativity and support and foster their emotional development.
Children are supported to develop their knowledge and understanding of how to keep themselves healthy, both physically and mentally, in turn raising awareness and reducing the stigma attached to mental health issues. In addition, we offer a bespoke curriculum which enables focus on diversity, differences and a celebration of each child’s unique qualities. These aspects are covered through our;
- RSHE curriculum
- Peace Works and Peer Mediator programmes
- Assemblies that focus on Life Skills; Mental Health awareness
- Democratic circles
- Restorative behaviour approach
You can find out more about our broad and balanced curriculum here. https://rustington.academy/Curriculum/
Children and staff
Rustington Community Primary is a friendly, caring school committed to offering every child and staff member a secure, stimulating, nurturing and happy environment where everyone is able to do their best. This includes raising awareness of mental health issues with everyone, providing training for staff for early identification of mental health needs and providing support for those most at risk or already showing signs of social, emotional or behavioural difficulties. Ensuring everyone knows who they can talk to if the need help.
In addition, by providing opportunities for everyone to develop their own knowledge and skills to support their own wellbeing, we empower everyone. Two current strategies being shared are the teaching of mindfulness strategies within the classroom and by increasing the time and opportunities for everyone to spend time outside and connect with nature in using our outdoor learning environment. Both strategies are proven to aid positive wellbeing and mental health.
With the correct balance of all of the above, our pupils will develop the self-respect, self-esteem and resilience, along with the knowledge and skills needed to take on challenges they may face and to succeed in life.
Parents and families
We recognise the integral role that each and every one of us play in supporting the mental health and wellbeing of each member of our community. By providing a page here on our website not only can we keep you up to date with our wellbeing journey, but also provide you with direct links to services and information that we hope will bring support to you in one place, whenever you need it.
Support services and help page
We are keen to work with parents to provide information and support that will promote positive wellbeing at home. Parent workshops will roll out over the next year, providing an opportunity for us to share with you our knowledge, experiences and skills that will in turn enhance how you can support your children emotionally and academically at home. Keep an eye out through ParentMail and the Friday Flyer for topics, dates and ways you can attend (in person or virtually)
If you have concerns about your child, then please in the first instance speak to your child’s class teacher. We know drop off and pick up times can be busy, so the easiest and quickest way to arrange a private conversation is to email through to the school office asking for the teacher to contact you. We will endeavour to do this as quickly as possible.
The office can be contacted on office@rustington.academy and don’t forget to say which class/ teacher you need to speak to.
Our assistant head teachers can also be contacted via the school office, should you need any further support;
Early Years and Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and 2) – Ms Kim Twine
Key Stage 2 ( Year 3, 4, 5 and 6) – Miss Sophie Vaughan
Special Educational Needs and Inclusion – Mrs Lucy Smith
You will also usually see our Head teacher, Ms Marie Smailes and our Deputy, Miss Anna Powell in and around the school entrances and exits at drop off and pick up time where you can approach them as needed.
We are all here to help and make the children's time with us happy and productive.