Schoolsworks is a multi-academy trust in West Sussex. Our aim is to create small hubs of schools which work closely together to collaborate, share best practice and improve outcomes for children.



Online Safety

As a parent you'll know how important the internet is to children - they use it to learn, play, socialise and express themselves.  It's a highly creative place of amazing opportunities.  But the technology children use every day can seem a bit daunting and you might worry about the risks your child can face online - such as bullying, contact from strangers or the possibility of them seeing illegal or inappropriate content. 

A good starting point is our quick checklist which can help you start to protect your children online and decrease the risks they face.  Or you can engage with your children regarding their use of the internet while at home.  Here are some conversation starter ideas from

There is also useful information for families about safe use of the internet and apps on the NSPCC website and activities for children all about using the web safely on the Thinkuknow website.

Online Safety Newsletters 


Check app and game ratings using Commonsensemedia

 Online Safety for parents


Setting up Parent Controls