Schoolsworks is a multi-academy trust in West Sussex. Our aim is to create small hubs of schools which work closely together to collaborate, share best practice and improve outcomes for children.



Art & DT


At Rustington CP School, the aim of the art and design curriculum is to engage, inspire and nurture pupils to confidently express their individual creativity within a diverse range of art, craft and design . Of equal importance is teaching children how being creative can be so beneficial for their sense of well-being. This is taught within an environment where art is accessible to all, collaborative art is encouraged and every child can make meaningful progress.

How is Art taught at Rustington CP School?
From Early Years to Year 6, pupils are taught skills in both 2D and 3D through learning about a diverse and exciting range of great contemporary and historical artists and designers . They are given opportunities to explore and investigate new techniques which they can then use in their own unique art pieces. Sketch books play a vital role for recording pupil's personal explorations and developing individual ideas as they learn how to annotate their sketch books with observations and feelings.
They are encouraged to develop a critical approach and appreciation of art through discussions about the work of great artist and designers. Through peer and self-assessments, they learn to make links with their own work and the wider world within an environment that places enjoyment and self-expression at it's core.

Art and Design progression of learning Early Years

Art and Design progression of learning Year 1 to 6       

Knowledge Organisers

Design Technology

At Rustington CP School, Design and Technology is a subject designed to open the door on the outside world. We want our children to develop a curiosity and an enquiring mind about how things work, how they are built and their ultimate purpose. Our curriculum allows opportunities for children to use their creativity and imagination, to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values.

Our design briefs allow children to have the opportunity to take risks safely and try things out. We want children to be able to choose appropriate materials for a set task, have the necessary skills to use tools effectively and adopt a trial and improvement mindset to develop an effective product.

Design Technology progression of learning EYFS to Year 6

Knowledge Organisers