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Schoolsworks is a multi-academy trust in West Sussex. Our aim is to create small hubs of schools which work closely together to collaborate, share best practice and improve outcomes for children.



  • "Pupils enjoy learning and listen well in the classroom. They work well together and are very proud of their school. They have many opportunities to show each other and their teachers how well they learn in the subjects they study."- Ofsted 2019
  • “During his time at RCPS by son has grown from a timid boy to a confident, kind, hard working young man. He has enjoyed his time at RCPS so much and his academic skills, his confidence and his happiness are a credit to all of the staff.”   - Parent of a year 6 child
  • “Our son loves learning and all aspects of school from assemblies to playtime. He continues to wow us with his reading and it is lovely that whenever he has a spare moment he chooses to read”.                                               - Parent of a Year 1 child.
  • “We are absolutely thrilled with our daughter’s KS2 results and cannot thank the team enough. The encouragement, teaching and pastoral support has been outstanding, meaning our daughter has flourished and embraced all challenges. We cannot thank RCPS enough for all that they have done. "       - Parent of Year 6 child.
  • “We were slightly anxious about our daughter starting school so we cannot thank you enough for the support and care you have shown her.  She talks about her teachers all of the time and to see her face as she recalls her day makes us happy.”     - Parents of a Reception child.
  • I took part in a parenting course, run by Thoughtful, about parenting an anxious child. My understanding and confidence in how to help my child has grown so much. The part I will use the most is the ‘meerkat brain’, I also now know how to coach my child and model emotional regulation.

  • I am so proud of my son passing his Phonics screening! He couldn't have done this without YOUR support through all the meetings, interventions and accomodations. You made all the difference - Parents of a Year 1 child
  • Our son has absolutely loved his first year at RCPS. We feel you've really set him up well, with a love of learning. We both can't get over how much he has learnt and achieved this year. Parents of EYFS child


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Rustington Community Primary is a friendly, caring school committed to offering every child a secure, stimulating and happy environment where each child can do their best.
We aim for our school to be a place where children, staff and families are valued and all work together to ensure that children are challenged academically, inspired creatively and supported and fostered in their emotional development. We recognise that emotional health is closely linked to mental health for everyone in our school community and striveas a schoolto embed practices and approaches that promote positive mental health and wellbeing within our ethos, interactions and across the curriculum.
With the correct balance, our pupils will develop the self-respect, self-esteem, knowledge and skills that they need to take on the challenges they may face and to succeed in life.

Marie Smailes











 Pupils in this school are happy and confident. They respect each other and the adults who help them to learn. Pupils have very positive relationships with teachers and staff and enjoy coming to school.   Ofsted September 2019